Bristol Comic Expo

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Bristol Comic Expo

Post by Bluemeanie »

I just read that you are to be appearing at the Bristol Comic Expo in May so I look forward to seeing you there along with a few others who I actually did believe were art droids when I was a kid!

If I could ask, and this is as someone who has never attended a comic con before, do you know yet in what capacity will you be there?
In other words, would you be available to sign something, would you be doing quick (or not so quick) sketches, and also will you be on any panels as I would want to be sure not to miss any you were participating in.

I also saw you are submitting a sketch for the charity auction, so any chance you could tell us who it is you are drawing? As I only just re-read the trade I was kinda hoping for DR&Quinch :D
Alan Davis
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Post by Alan Davis »

According to the schedule Mark Farmer and I will be on a panel in the Ramada Park Room at 11am Sat morning, which will be immediately followed with a signing in a side room of the main hall.

I may try to do a few sketches when the signing is over—IF my wrist is okay.

I posted my contribution for the auction on my website in the last update. It is the DR and Quinch page in the last ‘Unpublished pencil art’ section—although I actually drew the page with felt tip pens.
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Post by DungeonmasterJim »

Hello Mr. Davis!

If you do sketches at the Bristol con, could you sneak in a Rachel Summers as Phoenix in her red hound costume? I'd be more than willing to compensate you and pay for postage!

I'd love to attend the con but crossing the Atlantic ocean is a bit too expensive for me at this time.


DM Jim
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Post by Bluemeanie »

Well thanks for the heads up. Will be sure and catch your panel on the Saturday and also looking forward to meeting you afterwards and stammering nervously :)

As I mentioned in another thread I was really upset your Batman run ended before the introduction of Harley Quinn, so if you get a Welsh guy asking you for a quick Harley sketch, that'll be me.
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Post by Ilke »

Alan Davis' charity auction illustration of D.R. & Quinch has also been posted on the Bristol Comic Expo website, along with four more of the charity pieces.

They can be seen at the bottom of
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Post by Bluemeanie »

Jeez, thats a nice pic

Wonder if the wife would mind my spending the money we have saved for our anniversary trip?

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Post by Bluemeanie »

Just wanted to say thanks for my awesome sketch and the really enjoyable panel

Just to make everyone else jealous...


Matt Platis
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Post by Matt Platis »

Consider me jealous.
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Post by Johnbamberuk »

Just wanted to say a quick thank you to Alan as I won the charity auction piece of DR and Quinch during the Bristol convention. I also managed a couple seconds of Alan's time to dedicate it as well.

It's a beautiful piece and it will remain in my care for many years to come.


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Post by ZenoArmani »

D.R. & Quinch... that's one of the genuinely funniest comics I've ever read, but I was introduced to it first quite recently when noticing the names "Alan Moore" &"Alan Davis" on the cover of the new collected edition.

As a 'stream of thought' side-note question to Mr. Davis: Would humour comics be something you'd be interested in doing in the future? You're obviously very talented at making them work through inventive designs. I actually consider it one of your greatest strengths.
Alan Davis
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Post by Alan Davis »

The cartooning in DR & Quinch is more natural and spontaneous to me and forms the basis of my general drawing style. That is, my thumbs and roughs have a ‘big-foot’ exaggeration and I add layers of ‘stylised/surface-reality’ as I rationalise/refine the art. And, with some characters in Gatecrashers Technet, the Crazy Gang and other aliens or weird creatures the ‘cartooniness’ is intact—and lets not forget the Thing!.
In my perhaps limited experience many other countries/cultures seemed to have a strict distinction between cartoon art and the more photographically referenced illustration. The hybridisation of cartoon and ‘reality’ is what made American superhero comics work.
Would I do more cartooning? Yes, if there was a market for it but even when I was drawing DR & Quinch I was swimming against the tide. Editorial wanted DR and Quinch’s first ‘Future Shock’ story to be gritty and realistic (which is why the art was more rendered) and there was initially very little enthusiasm for my designs—because the script had asked for some sort of dangerous ‘biker’ aliens.

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