Questions from your facebook fans

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Questions from your facebook fans

Post by XIII »

Since the unofficial fan page that bears your name sometimes receives comments and messages, both public and private, addressed at your person and/or asking to pass them forward to you, I have selected a few of the most interesting for your consideration:

Alex Strath ( asks:
"Hello, my dad worked with Alan in the early 80's and he drew the hulk for us and my dad was a character in a story but can't for the life of me remember it story name or comic, just wondering if any may know the comic ,the story was in space I think and my dad had sideburns and a roll up in mouth ,i think he had a hoover or brush in hand as he was a cleaner ,i know if i could get hold of himself[Alan]he would remember straight away ,oh my dad's name is Gordon Strath ,may get a credit ??? if you can help my mum would love to see it again as we have lost my dad now, yours wishing Alex"
Lorenzo Fiorini ( asks:
"Hello Alan,

I am contacting you as I have problems with my right hand (for me it is obviously from drawing) and I know that you had them recently yourself and this for a long while.
The specialists I am seeing do not seem to understand exactly what it might be. It has been going on for three months (I have not been using it much for the last two) but now it seems it is getting worse. It is my thumb and for the time being I have been given a standard splint for it.

I would appreciate if you had any advice for me as what to do next relative to your own experience. I am considering looking for private help.
I hope you are now well and thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,

Stéph from Pulp's Comics ... 7027532083
"Hello monsieur Davis,
we are organizing a comic book convention in Paris, end of October and we would like to invite you if you're available and interested. Please, if you could send me your email, i could send you the flyer and further details and information. Thanks in advance for your answer"
Jim Krueger: ... 2774461630
"Great work, Alan. I know it's been a long time since we've talked. I hope you are well."
Darryl Banks: ... 2774461630
"It was an honor to finally meet you at Wizard World Ohio, Alan! Thanks again for the art print!"
Craig Wetterman: ... 2774461630
"Just wanted to say Thank You for contributing your wonderful drawing to the Hero Initiative "sketch" poster at WWOhio! The show was a big success for Hero. We appreciate all your support!"
William Grapes: ... 2774461630
"Not only was it great to meet you at Wizard World Ohio but it was also an honor to have you select my work in the art contest. Thank you sir."
Alan Davis
Posts: 472
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:13 pm

Re: Questions from your facebook fans

Post by Alan Davis »

I’ll be happy to answer any questions posted on this Forum. I don’t need a go-between to anyone who isn’t prepared to seek out, join and/or contribute to this Forum.
Alan Davis
Posts: 472
Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2005 9:13 pm

Re: Questions from your facebook fans

Post by Alan Davis »

Alex Strath ( asks:
"Hello, my dad worked with Alan in the early 80's and he drew the hulk for us and my dad was a character in a story but can't for the life of me remember it story name or comic, just wondering if any may know the comic ,the story was in space I think and my dad had sideburns and a roll up in mouth ,i think he had a hoover or brush in hand as he was a cleaner ,i know if i could get hold of himself[Alan]he would remember straight away ,oh my dad's name is Gordon Strath ,may get a credit ??? if you can help my mum would love to see it again as we have lost my dad now, yours wishing Alex"
Hi Alex
I have many fond memories of the years I worked with your dad, he was one of the good guys, so I was very sad to hear of his passing and would have attended his funeral if I’d known at the time.
The pages I drew featuring characters based on your dad, Gordon, and my brother, Mark, were from the Marvelman special no1 1984. I was still working at the warehouse alongside Gordon and Mark when I drew the pages—pencilling and inking much of them during breaks and any opportunities to skive off.
Mark actually gave two of the original pages, which are around 16x20 inches, to your dad so it is possible you might find them down the back of a cupboard somewhere.
I’ve attached a couple of low dpi scans to this note but will happily send higher res images if you contact me at my website address....
All the best

Lorenzo Fiorini ( asks:
"Hello Alan,

I am contacting you as I have problems with my right hand (for me it is obviously from drawing) and I know that you had them recently yourself and this for a long while.
The specialists I am seeing do not seem to understand exactly what it might be. It has been going on for three months (I have not been using it much for the last two) but now it seems it is getting worse. It is my thumb and for the time being I have been given a standard splint for it.

I would appreciate if you had any advice for me as what to do next relative to your own experience. I am considering looking for private help.
I hope you are now well and thank you in advance for your help.

Best Regards,

Hi Lorenzo
My knowledge is restricted to my own specific wrist problem which is the inevitable degeneration of the joint due to a childhood injury. I know nothing about RSI or Carpal Tunnel. Aside from having a drawing board set to the most beneficial angle the only other thing I have found useful are the triangular grips for pen or pencil designed for Arthritis sufferers.
Good luck
Stéph from Pulp's Comics ... 7027532083
"Hello monsieur Davis,
we are organizing a comic book convention in Paris, end of October and we would like to invite you if you're available and interested. Please, if you could send me your email, i could send you the flyer and further details and information. Thanks in advance for your answer"
Hi Steph
I’m afraid I am already committed to the few conventions I can manage each year and please note any correspondence regarding Conventions should be directed to my website e-mail address.
Jim Krueger: ... 2774461630
"Great work, Alan. I know it's been a long time since we've talked. I hope you are well."
Thanks Jim. I hope you and yours are all well too.

Darryl Banks: ... 2774461630
"It was an honor to finally meet you at Wizard World Ohio, Alan! Thanks again for the art print!"
Nice to meet you too Darryl. I wish we’d had more time to talk.

Craig Wetterman: ... 2774461630
"Just wanted to say Thank You for contributing your wonderful drawing to the Hero Initiative "sketch" poster at WWOhio! The show was a big success for Hero. We appreciate all your support!"
Thanks Craig. It was a pleasure. The Hero Initiative does a great job.
William Grapes: ... 2774461630
"Not only was it great to meet you at Wizard World Ohio but it was also an honor to have you select my work in the art contest. Thank you sir."
It was really good work and you deserved to win.
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