The rules are simple. In the next post, you will find the piece of art that you can color.As anyone familiar with my site will know, I have always requested that my pencil sketches aren’t downloaded to be inked or coloured (Because of instances where the downloads have been used as samples or sold as originals) but after a Spirit sketch I had drawn was coloured and posted online I received e-mails from a few people who wanted the opportunity to post their colour version of the same piece. It seemed unfair to say no to those who had been kind enough to ask permission when an unauthorised colour version was in circulation. Somewhere along the way a suggestion was made, in view of other discussions about the overbearing and artless colouring that ruin so may modern comics, that it might be interesting to see how various colourists might colour the same drawing.
-The contest begins NOW. It will end in 3 weeks on March 12th 2008.
-No entrant should post thier work (anywhere) until the closing date. This will prevent anyone from copying or downloading and altering another entrant's work. They will be disqualified if we find them.
-The scan of the image is to be coloured is at 200 dpi. This will give all entrants an equal start.
-All colour entries will be posted at the same resolution 72 dpi as RGB files.
-The final colour images should be e-mailed to Alan at his e-mail address. (alandaviscomic @ The subject line should read "OFFICIAL SPIRIT ENTRY". That way we don't lose any.
-Entrants will need to include your name and e-mail address (e-mail address will NOT be published with the gallery posting). Once a winner is announced, we will contact winner for postal address.
-Shortly after the closing date, Alan will post all images in a simple gallery for everyone to view. Images will be able to be viewed simultaneously for comparison as thumbnails but they will be capable of being enlarged for a closer look.
-Alan and I reserve the right to deny any inadequate image and disqualify whomever we want for any reason. So no complaining!
Below is the sketch that will be awarded to the contest winner! The Spirit image measures 8 1/4 X 11 3/4. Obviously without the watermark!
Good luck to everyone! Remember that there really isn't a wrong or right way or approach. This is an exercise of creativity, the object being to encourage diversity in technique and presentation.